Trumpet before after ultrasonic cleaning
Check out these real life pictures of a before and after Bach Strad 27 trumpet 2nd valve slide! An ultrasonic cleaning can do wonders for an instrument to preserve the instruments functional, usable life as well keep the player healthy!
At Fix This! Musical Instrument Repair, Inc. we thoroughly clean an instrument inside and out in our Clean & Lubricate services (brass instruments) and Disassemble & Clean services (woodwind instruments). Cleaning and instrument regularly helps to maintain proper function, as well as prevent corrosion and wear that can damage an instrument by rotting from the inside out, often called "red rot" for its characteristic red dotting appearance.
A professional cleaning also gets rid of the gunk, goo, and sludge that accumulates inside instrument with regular use, which can build up and cause unhealthy conditions for both the player and the horn.